About Us
Having been
involved in fundraising for more than twelve years, and having spent countless
hours in the pursuit of grants and funding, we know firsthand how time
consuming and confusing the task can be. Often, people give up. This is a
terrible shame, as there are literally hundreds of billions of dollars
available that the U.S. Federal Government hands over to State and Local
Governments every year. These dollars come out of the taxes we all pay,
and each of us deserves a fair shot at obtaining some of this money for
our personal, professional and economic needs and pursuits. We have become
extremely successful at obtaining funding over the past twelve years. Our
goal is to make it easier for others to enjoy the opportunities, rewards
and potential successes that grant money can bring in opening up otherwise
unattainable opportunities.
contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have. Your feedback
would be greatly appreciated.